New Year’s Greetings


Martini in the Morning has listeners across the USA and around the world. As the New Year arrives in your time zone, we invite you to wish everyone Happy 2020. Below is a guideline for your greeting. Print it out and record your New Years greeting on your smartphone, tablet or other device capable of recording a digital audio file and email that file using the form below. Our goal is to have at least one greeting from each time zone around the world where we have Martini in the Morning listeners! Happy New Year!

Sample New Years Greeting: (Download copy)

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I’M (your name here) AND IT’S NOW 2020 HERE IN (what city/state/country are you in?) … (say whatever you’d like here) … I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO ANOTHER YEAR OF THE GREATEST SONGS EVER WRITTEN ON MARTINI IN THE MORNING DOT COM!

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    City (required)

    State (required)

    Country (required)

    Time Zone (required)

    Your Birthday (required)
    Month Day Year

    Attach your greeting recording: (if too large, you can email directly to
