Martini In The Morning – Your Musical Cocktail

Welcome to Martini in the Morning and the Greatest Songs Ever Written performed by fabulous artists, online around the clock and around the world … from Frank Sinatra to Michael Buble … from Ella Fitzgerald to Diana Krall … from Bobby Darin to Steve Tyrell … Dean Martin, Renee Olstead, Billie Holiday and so many more … it’s Contemporary Cool … it’s Classic Cool … For over 18 years, has been the online home of the coolest, swingin’est, most romantic songs on the radio …. and the people who love those songs.


Celebrating 18 years of Fabulousness!

In 18 years of playing the Greatest Songs Ever Written for you, we’ve tried it all; beg-a-thons, subscription only, now our ad supported stream from Tune-In combined with subscriptions and yet here we are, face to face with a $17,000 royalty bill and between subscriptions and the ad supported stream, we’re barely covering monthly operating expenses. So we’re going to try a hybrid, a little of this, a lot of that, and some of the other. That is, we’re doing this GoFundMe campaign in addition to our ad and subscription revenue hoping to close the gap. And we’re not looking for a lot of money from anyone, 10,000 people at $20 and we’re there!

As of September 26th, 29 of you have participated in this campaign for a total of $5,050. That’s an average of about $175 per participant. IF we were to maintain that average, we’d need another 185 of you to chip in. But the reality is that if more folks who love this music were to chip in a little, $50, $25, $10, that’s how we’re most likely to reach our goal. Last year we did a GoFundMe campaign to get a little help with the software and hardware updates that are going on right now. 50 of you made that happen.

We’re going to try to limit these campaigns to once a year. With any luck, the audience on our TuneIn commercial stream will increase and our ad revenue will come closer to covering the ever increasing performance royalties we have to pay.

Help us keep the Coolest, Swingin’est, Most Romantic Music on the Radio, playing for you. Click Here to chip in!


Martini In The Morning LoungeWare Store

We’re back in the merchandise business…
Martini In The Morning swag for the stylish music lover!


“Legacy” (Plan Z) MITM Listeners – Login To Listen Here:

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